When India’s 12th Man “Mandeep Singh to Get dressed in South Africa...

When India’s 12th Man “Mandeep Singh to Get dressed in South Africa Jersey to complete South Africa Fielding XI


Nothing has changed in a 100 years, South Africans still need an Indian to work in their field. This Incident was happened during the India ‘A’ vs South Africa ‘A’ match on sunday . South africa ‘A’ had 4 players who fighting against stomach bugs and cramps during the match,  bringing about this unique gesture. The south african side already had their video analyst Hendrikus Coertzen on the field, after that Mandeep Join the team to complete the 11 Players on the field.

28 years ago Sachin Tendulkar also fielded for Pakistan during an exhibition game at Mumbai’s cricket club of India Stadium.

India A 12th Man Mandeep Singh Fielded For South Africa A today.28 years ago Sachin did the same.